History of Islam in Europe

Islam began to get into Europe has been started from centuries ago. All that at the start by the conquest of Andalusia in 756 countries AD - 1492 AD in the Iberian Peninsula. Then continues through the conquest of Sicily and the Balkan region carried out by the Ottoman. The presence and development of Islam in Europe then continues from the massive immigration of Muslims residing in Islamic countries towards Europe after the completion of the second world war.

The process of Conquest
Muslims began to enter the European continent since their request for aid to Musa bin Nushair who was then governor of North Africa by the West Gothia bansawan named Graf Yulian Geuta ruling in North Africa. At that time he asked for help so that the governor could help families "Witiza" facing conflict with roderik soldier who was revolted seize the throne of the family "Witiza" in the year 710 AD

Long story short, the request was made by Moses to the Caliph Walid bin Abdul Malik in Damascus. Unexpected demand that the records that Moses be careful. As anticipated and secure, then dikirimlah 200 troops led by Tharif bin Malik. The troops landed in Tarifa. After investigation, Tharif bin Malik finally convinced Moses will sooth Graf yulian who really ask for help. Moses also delivered to the Caliph Walid bin Walid, after conferring dikirimlah forces led selection of a commander Tariq ibn Ziyad big and strong and very courageous, these troops are sent through fiber crossing Tanger city Giblatar.

In the year 91 H or 710 AD, troops Tariq ibn Ziyad landed in Spain just when strength and concentration Roderik troops are moving towards a region of northern Spain, this is done in order to avoid a rebellion. But one interesting thing from the leadership of Tariq ibn Ziyad, when all the boats had landed, he ordered the child underneath to burn all existing ships, this is done so that all forces fighting in earnest, put out all capabilities, and not No longer in the minds of his troops to retreat or return unless already won. Desperate strategy conducted by Tariq ibn Ziyad is known until now.

Strategy, which carried Tariq ibn Ziyad turned out to give the effect of a very large and can burn the spirit of the army, which did not end up with the struggle to conquer their unyielding opponents castle even though at that time the number of enemies far more than the forces of the Muslims. At a battle in the city of Xeres, Rodherik soldiers killed many, this means more convenience to move forces Muslims to conquer the cities further. By cities could eventually captured, call it as the city of Malaga, Cordova and Toledo is the capital of West Gothia.

News of the success of Tariq ibn Ziyad blows to the ears of Musa bin Nushair who want to participate eventually catch up to Spain to participate bring the troops as much as 10:00. The city of Toledo two met and had been a clash, but it did not happen a long time because it can be reconciled by a caliph. After the peace, the two work together to continue the struggle to conquer the next cities such as Zaragoza, Casytylia, Arrogant and Barcelona to the mountains Pyrenia.

Almost all regions except Andalusia Glacia already be in the hands of the Muslims only within a period of 7 years. In the reign of the Umayyads in Damascus, Andalusia led by a governor and among the lead time was Abdul Aziz, who is none other than the son of Moses himself. When the Umayyads collapse marked by the establishment of daulah Abbasids in Baghdad, led by Abdul Abbas As-safaf, all descendants of the Umayyads killed all. But there is a descendant of the Umayyads named Abdur Rahman had escaped and fled towards Spain. There he built an empire Umayyad back and were able to survive long enough from 193 H - 458 H or 756-1065 AD

Factors Supporting Success Conquest Europe

If we look on the journey, the conquest for the sake of conquest that occurred in Europe as happened in Central France and Italy by the Muslims once felt in make it easy. This can occur because of the good support of internal and external factors.

Internal factors

Internal factors that contribute to the success of the European conquest of one of them because the rulers, leaders until the soldiers are so compact. Pasda when the leaders filled by figures strong, assertive, confident and responsible, quest. On the other hand, the soldiers also carried on the attitude of its leaders to give birth to great warriors as well. They were brave and patient in dealing with any problems encountered. And last but not least is the teaching of it all Muslims are often shown by the leaders and Islamic forces. In their conquest teach the meaning of brotherhood, tolerance and mutual help. Attitudes that make them warmly welcomed by the population of Spain at that time.

External Factors

While external factors are conditions in Spain itself at that time of concern either social, economic or political. Politically, the Spanish region so torn apart into several small states and all subjects were divided into castes system of course it's all very membuar miserable and destitute people. Plus existing authorities such as the Gothic is very cruel and tolerant to religion in the embrace of the people. This is what makes the liberation of the oppressed forward, and ultimately successful freeing them are Muslims.

Islamic civilization Go to Europe with 5 Ways It

1. Through Andalusia (Spain)

When the Muslims conquered Spain and Sicily during the eighth century, it was very giving influence of Islamic culture in Europe. Therefore, Islamic civilization eventually spread in different places like in Granada, Cordova, Toledo and Seville. At that time the native of Andalusia most of the teaching of AD, but when the Arabic civilization started to go eventually become fragmented. In fact, they replace common language that is often used into Arabic. Resident who got to know the Arabic civilization often familiar with the term Mozabarabes that if in Arabic was usually called musta'rib. Therefore also, many Christian pastors translated the Bible into Arabic.

2. Through Sicily (Regional autonomy Italy)

According to the existing historical, Sicily ever be one part of the region's civilization Islam.Wilayah be one of the main link with the European Islamic world because of its location adjacent to Tunisia in North Africa. While under the rule of Islam, Sicily grown so rapidly and transformed into a center of civilization and commerce.

3. Through Albania (Balkan region)

One of the main factors position and the opportunities the introduction of Balkan folk to Balkan Islam is a strategic geographical position. Overall, their introduction to Islam through Albania.

4. Through the arrival of the Crusaders in the Muslim East

The invasion of Sicily and Spain gave the sense that in the later Latin Christian suburb one day Islam will be present.

5. Exchange of trade between the west and east through Egypt

The influence of Islamic civilization in Europe

1. Those Jews who had suffered and humiliated under the power Ghatia now protected under Islamic rule and is allowed to move the trade sector.

2. When under the power of the Arab Nation, those who have suppressed are now treated well. So that during the reign of Islam arrived, they acquire and enjoy their rights as private citizens as a whole. On the other hand, the Arab nations could strengthen the peace and stability of inter-ethnic and inter-ethnic different. Therefore, the Spanish government adherence to Islam to get a tolerant attitude as to what to expect.

3. When the 12th century AD, the influence of science and civilization of Islam in Europe is growing rapidly which raises revival Greek heritage in Europe in the 14th century AD The development of Greek thought in Europe thanks through his translations of Arabic is learned then translated back into Latin language.

Evidence of Islamic civilization in Europe

1. The discovery of various mahan get trapped books from Arabic into Hebrew, Latin and Thalia. At the time of early European, books that meet existing libraries. famous books at the time it was written by Ibn Sina and Razi were among a bouquet of books on philosophy and medicine.

2. There is a word derived from the Arabic language which is still used by Europeans until now. These sentences can be found in Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and many others.

The development of Islam in various countries in Europe

1. In 1975 in Spain a group of youths entered Islam, where they build the civilization of Muslims in the city of Cordova. Furthermore, in 1978 after the government requested permission Cordova, they can finally implement Eid prayer in the Cathedral. Even at that, the mayor Tulio Angulia give tolerasni policy on inter-religious. Things he does one of them offered to Muslims to use the city's parks and Eid al-Adha prayers, he too did not forget to give a big tent so that Muslims could be more solemn and comfortable when praying. There is also a school run by Dr. Umar Faruq Abdullah who teaches the science of Al-Quran, Arabic, hadith, fiqh, tafsir and many others.

2. In countries Belgium, stands a building of the Islamic Center as a center of Islamic proselytizing activities. In 1980 Mukhtamar Islam in Europe held in the city of Brussels. At that time the Muslims residing in Belgium reached 150,000 people.

3. At the beginning of 15th century H in Austria, precisely in 1979 in the city of Vienna, built an Islamic Center which has a capacity of 30,000 people. In this building there are various facilities such as libraries, housing, madrassas, and mosques jami '. There also Islam becomes the second religion after Christianity recognized.

4. It has built a magnificent mosque in the city Almeo, Netherlands. The city is also formed fererasi Islamic organization led by a native Dutch who named Abdul Wahib Van Bomel. Abdul Wahib fight for all workers who are Muslim may be given the opportunity leeway to run the five daily prayers. The city Redderect on 14 October 1983, has built a mosque which has a capacity of 500 people who has various facilities, such as ablution, living room, discussion room and many others. Growth of Muslims in the country is also very fast and from year to year increase. Which initially only hundreds of people have now grown to hundreds of thousands of people.

5. It is common knowledge, Rome is the center of Catholic civilization. Here a lot of standing, which accounted for nearly 900, both owned gereaja Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Snayoge or Greece. Indeed, the development of Islam in the region unlike other European regions that grow so rapidly. Even so, in 1984 the Muslims succeeded in laying the first stone for the construction of a mosque in Taman Most antennas in Pariali. The mosque itself was inaugurated in 1995.

6. In the UK, growth is pretty good Muslims. This happens because of the support and removals factor Islamic University of Toledo from Spain to England. Since then the development of Islam here began to spread and began to be accepted by the natives. There is one figure who was very instrumental in the spread of Islam, namely Mozarebes. Adapaun the spread of Islam and development is done every Saturday and Sunday, both to children and adults. After the second world war, there was a flow of immigration of Muslims to Europe is no exception England. This further enhances the growth of Muslims in this country.

7. The development of Muslims in Germany spelled out very quickly, so that in a study about 40% of the population under 18 years old German who had converted to Islam. Islamic forces here are very powerful because it brings together various groups and can increase the confidence of Muslims here k spread the teachings of Islam more widely.


Broadly speaking, the influx of Muslims into Europe thanks to the invasion of Turkey into the European territory through Sicily, Spain and the conquest of the Balkans. Yet it remains the most a major part is the conquest of Andalusia country or what we often call Spain to remember the Muslims once ruled this nation of more than seven centuries. In Spain also became a European civilization Muslims both in relation both economic, social, political or inter-state civilization. Can be concluded the development of Islam in Europe to flourish as it is today thanks to the treasures of Islamic science that developed in the classical period.

Frequently studied Islam in depth, because it will make the hearts avoid anxiety.

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